Automotive Glossary
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W |
WanderThe tendency of a vehicle to drift away from the steered course when being driven. Usually associated with low or uneven tyre pressures or tight steering joints. | |
Wankel EngineRotary engine using a three-cornered rotor in a trochoidal chamber. Invented by Felix Wankel. | |
WarpageTwisting or bending distortion. | |
WarrantyThe legal rights given by manufacturers to cover possible defects occurring during a specified time or mileage. | |
Wash PrimerA primer that forms an anti-corrosive chemical film when applied on a bare metal surface. More commonly known as etching or self-etch primer. | |
WasherFlat circular plate with a hole in it. Used to spread the load of a nut or bolt. | |
Waste GateControl valve in the exhaust gas flow through a turbocharger. | |
Water JacketPart of the cylinder block and head of an engine that encloses the cavity through which cooling water flows. | |
Water Pump(1) Pump that circulates the water of an engine's cooling system. Also circulating pump. (2) Any pump for delivering water under pressure, as for screen washing, etc. | |
Water SpottingA condition caused by water droplets evaporating on a finish before it has thoroughly dried or cured, which results in a dulling of the gloss in localised spots. | |