Automotive Glossary
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U |
U BoltsU shaped bolts used to fix leaf springs to the axle or other similar tasks such as fixing a steering rack to the body. | |
U/JUniversal Joint. | |
Ultra VioletA frequency of light that is above the visible spectrum. | |
UltravioletLight/Radiation lying in the ultraviolet range; wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays i.e. beyond the violet end of the spectrum/rainbow. | |
ULWUnladen Weight – The weight of a vehicle inclusive of the body and all parts which are ordinarily used with the vehicle when working on a road. Unladen weight does not include the weight of water or fuel used for the propulsion of the vehicle, | |
Unburned HydrocarbonsEngine or fuel tank emissions in the exhaust gas, fuel line vents or lubricating oil vapours. Harmful to health. Also HC or THC (total hydrocarbon content of exhaust gas). | |
Under-bakeThe result of curing a paint film at too low a combination of time and temperature. The film may be too soft for good durability. | |
UndercoatA first coat; primer, sealer, or surfacer applied to the substrate. Frequently used to provide corrosion protection and adhesion. | |
UndersteerSteering condition of a turning vehicle when the vehicle attempts to turn by a lesser degree than the steered position taken by the driver. This condition is usually provided by vehicle design in order to improve the driveability of the vehicle. | |