Automotive Glossary
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Q |
QCQuality control | |
QtQuart" | |
QuadralinkA four link suspension system developed by Ford. | |
QuadrantA mechanical lever shaped as a quadrant usually with three or more points for transmitting movement. | |
Quadrant and PinionMechanism to raise and lower window. Similar to rack and pinion but with the rack on the circumference of the quadrant. | |
QuadricycleFour wheeled vehicle with a max ULW of 400kg (550kg for a goods vehicle) with a max net power of 15KW. | |
Quarter Panel (Rear quarter)Side Panel which is generally a quarter of the total length of the vehicle and extends from the rear door to the end of the car. | |
QuartileAny three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts. Each of these parts contain a quarter of the score. | |
QuartzA type of glass that will withstand very high temperatures. | |
Quartz Halogen LampHigh intensity light bulb with a quartz glass bulb and filled with a halogen gas. | |