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Health And Safety at Work Act 1974.(UK)"



Half Shafts

Shafts by which power is transmitted from final drive to driven wheels in an enclosed axle.

Hall Generator

An electronic pulse generator using the Hall effect of a semiconductor to provide information to the ignition amplifier or ECU on engine position and speed.

Hall IC

Integrated circuit as part of a Hall sensor.

Hall Sensor

An electronic pulse generator using the Hall effect of a semiconductor to provide information to the ignition amplifier or ECU on engine position and speed. Also used for sensing road speed etc.


A description of a series of gases such as argon.


Hand operated parking brake usually with a mechanical linkage. Also forms the reserve or emergency brake on many vehicles.

Handbrake Cable

A cable that operates the brakes when a lever is pulled.

Handbrake Linkage

Cables or rods used to operate the parking/handbrake.

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