Automotive Glossary
Completion requirements
Browse the glossary using this index
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
F |
FFahrenheit | |
F-CANFast CAN | |
F.W.D.Front wheel drive." | |
Face-toneThe colour perceived by the brain when a painted surface is viewed from an angle of 90° - that being the angle at which the greatest amount of light reflection will occur | |
Factory-applied PaintPaint applied to a vehicle at the factory of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Factory-applied paint is normally cured by baking. | |
FadingThe gradual loss of colour or gloss of a paint film due to a chemical or physical change, usually due to natural ageing or exposure to harmful environmental conditions | |
Fail SafeA device or feature that prevents total failure in the event of a fault occurring. | |
FallbackThe process by which testing may continue when the computerised system is not available at a VTS, for example, following the breakdown of the VTS device. | |
Fallback ReviewThe process by which test data recorded while testing under Fallback is subsequently confirmed on the MOT computer database. | |