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C Classification (SAE)

Engine oil suitable for diesel engines. The second letter in the classification denotes the quality and minimum conditions that the oil must meet.


Cold filter plugging point. Applies to diesel fuel with a cold weather additive."


Computer Controlled Coil Ignition

Cadence braking

An emergency braking procedure using rhythmic application and release of the brakes to strike a compromise between slowing down with locked wheels, so retaining the ability to steer.


A metal used in the manufacture of durable but expensive red and yellow pigments.


A soft grey metallic element used a component in driers and pigments.

Calcium Carbonate

An extender pigment, also known as "whiting."


The act of making sure a piece of measuring equipment is accurate. Often this is done by checking it against equipment that is known to be good.


This means that a piece of measuring equipment is accurate. Often this is done by checking it against equipment that is known to be good.

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