Automotive Glossary
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C |
CCelsius | |
C Classification (SAE)Engine oil suitable for diesel engines. The second letter in the classification denotes the quality and minimum conditions that the oil must meet. | |
C.F.P.PCold filter plugging point. Applies to diesel fuel with a cold weather additive." | |
C3IComputer Controlled Coil Ignition | |
Cadence brakingAn emergency braking procedure using rhythmic application and release of the brakes to strike a compromise between slowing down with locked wheels, so retaining the ability to steer. | |
CadmiumA metal used in the manufacture of durable but expensive red and yellow pigments. | |
CalciumA soft grey metallic element used a component in driers and pigments. | |
Calcium CarbonateAn extender pigment, also known as "whiting." | |
CalibrateThe act of making sure a piece of measuring equipment is accurate. Often this is done by checking it against equipment that is known to be good. | |
CalibratedThis means that a piece of measuring equipment is accurate. Often this is done by checking it against equipment that is known to be good. | |